2024 Winner
Asif Iqbal
Heroic dad risked his life to save a driver from a burning car just seconds before it was engulfed in flames
Asif, 43, was driving to work along the A919 near RAF Leuchars in Fife when two cars crashed in front of him.
As a blaze broke out, he and three other motorists, including military personnel from the base, rushed from their cars to see what they could do.
Asif dragged the occupant of one of the vehicles to safety just as the motor caught fire during the incident in 2022.
He said: “The fire surrounded the cars quite fast. We sat the guy down on the pavement before we knew it the whole car was engulfed in flames. Both cars burned out really, really bad. We were all in total shock. It was pretty extreme.” The road was closed for three hours and three casualties were taken to hospital.
Asif, a scientist, added: “I’ve got three kids and I was thinking about what people would do if this had happened to me. Life is so fragile and this was very scary. You don’t leave the house to go to work thinking you’re going to pull someone from a burning car. But things happen and everybody has to chip in and do their part to help.”